Well this year has flown by...
Only 3 more weeks of class then it's summer time! But for the moment, I'm enjoying spring. I feel it in the air (literally, stupid allergies)!
Spring cleaning. Yup, I don't know why, but something about this time of the year makes me want to clean up and start fresh. So I was thinking about deleting this blog and starting a new one that I'll actually tend to. But instead, I'll make an effort to posting more often. And I think it'll be easier thanks to my shiny new MacBook Pro (thank you mom!).
Also! I'm feeling inspired to start whipping myself back into shape. Since the weather is so nice, I feel much more obligated to go outside. (Don't judge me, it isn't always sunny in Honolulu...) Damn you mousse cakes and opera tortes! Seriously though: sweets have become my life! I always thought that saying
you are what you eat was so stupid, but now I get it, I turned into a muffin or something.
Oh and for those curious cats out there who might be wondering what my plans are with this culinary thing: I'm due to graduate with my AS in Pastry Arts Fall 2013! Then I will continue and get a certificate in Culinary Arts (if I have time to finish my AS in Culinary Arts, I'll do that!). So hopefully I'll be done with everything by Spring/Summer 2014. I feel like I'm on track to finish what I'm working towards and it feels awesome! I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! But that's as far as it goes, don't ask me what I'm going to do
after that...because shit, that's too scary. Real world, I'm not ready for you.
I don't know whether I'll stay here in Hawaii or if I'll return to Santa Cruz! I'm thinking I'll go home because there are more opportunities there, but who knows. I'm just going with the flow and so far I like where it's taking me :)
And here's a picture!
Yep midterms have already happened! This was mine.
A lot of people ask me how tests work in culinary school. For my particular baking class, we have practical exams, where we make a cake with certain requirements or something like that. Then we also have written tests, too. That cake up there^^^ was my midterm cake. We were required to make an 8x2" cake with 6 different competencies.
I made a chocolate-berry themed cake, and it had maybe 7 competencies in it?
- Chocolate sponge cake
- Black magic cake (moist chocolate cake)
- Raspberry pate fruit (a layer of jelly candy)
- Chambord ganache
- Raspberry mousse
- Blackberry dark chocolate mousse
- Dacquois (crispy hazelnut cookie)
Overall, I was happy with the final appearance. However, the sponge cake was way too try and the pate fruit was a little too thick. Got a 99% though so I can't complain :)