Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Good Stumblin' Finds

I have a few days left to kill before I fly home. I don't have much to do, so I woke up at 11:30am today...and the only thing I have planned is to go to kickboxing later. I'm not complaining, though, I'm loving the freedom. I can watch Grey's Anatomy for hours, sleep when I please, and go lurk around wherever I want, when I want. And the best part is I HAVE ENERGY! Woohoo! But for now, I'm stumbling on stumbleupon. I discovered this wonderful procrastination tool my freshman year of college. Pretty entertaining stuff!

Oh, the lazy life...

Here's some good stuff I found:

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cups

Cute animals!
Videos & pictures. Look! I promise it will make you smile :)

Pop Danthology 2012 - Mashup of 50+ Pop Songs

Just cause it's almost 2013

Some of the ideas are pretty cool! 
Here are a few examples:

You could add herbs and all kinds of stuff to it! Fancy butta. 
Probably tastes way better than store bought butter.

Hope that entertained you like it entertained me! 

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