Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Little Life Update

To all of you out in Narnia...wherever that may be...Patagonia, Maine, China, California, you know who/where you are... You might have noticed that I don't call as often. I don't text back as fast. And sadly, I don't snapchat as much as I'd like :'( You can thank my class for that. 5am to 2pm in a hot sweaty kitchen is exhausting. Having work after that is even more exhausting (thank god that's only like two days a week!). So I apologize. I wish I had more time to connect with everyone!

But here is a little update on my life! This is what I've been up to.

Fall festivities, like visiting the pumpkin patch. 
I don't experience seasons here in this was an interesting sweaty pumpkin adventure. Tom and I ventured to Waimanolo-something-farm to get pumpkins because I wanted to do something autumn-ish! Kind of funny, the pumpkin patch was filled with babies. Babies rode in ghetto plastic barrels attached to a tractor ...weeeee "hayride." Stinky (but cute!) petting zoos, pumpkin painting, random dancing children--it was one of the funniest pumpkin patches I've ever seen! I could've gone to Safeway for a pumpkin--but I think the trip was worth it! Also, baby pigs are supa cute :) but I can't say the same for the old ones

Oh and I made pumpkin gnocchi! Yum! See? Gettin in the holiday spirit! 
Good recipe here

Went to Chinatown's Halloween block party. Anuhea was supposed to play! But we had a TSUNAMI WARNING. Dun dun dunnnnnnnn. The show got cancelled but we survived. And we got a picture with Anuhea, too! (wearing the spam hat). 

And of course, sleeeeeeeeep. Lots and lots of sleep. My favorite :) especially with a nice pillow on my back. I love feelin like a turtle in my dreams. Not really, but it makes for a cozy sleeping cave. 

So yeah! That's what I've been  up to. Not going to the beach much lately :( so sad...I'm actually pale! So if you're reading this and you miss me or you think that I might miss you--call me! Text me! Let's catch up! 

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